uish lama rasanya tak menjengah ke kawasan ni...
but then it is fine and it is normal..student kan~~~
things happen so fast since time flies away...
the facts is time is a gold...
praktikum 2~~
tamat praktikum 2. syukur banyakkkk sangat benda yang dapat belajar and of course it is totally different from 1st practicum. no doubt!
things learnt:
1) some say human is unique and because of the uniqueness, we are special. at first i couldn't really understand the terms but later on, yes i did!
mana tak nya, satu kelas almost 40 students dalam tu, means ada 40 ragam yang perlu dilayani...
weaknesses: im not that good nak layan budak2 yang macam kerenah ni. silap hari bulan.....:-)
so, kesabaran amat diperlukan di sini..
2) membebel....- memang jadi guru ni automatik kena membebel ke? susah kalau ad stigma yang macam ni. but then i should say that is not membebel since it is teacher's job to give the moral values for the students. membebel tak semestinya kena guru perempuan. guru lelaki pun ada yang membebel. so it shouldn't be membebel mungkin kemahiran memberi nasihat.
3) planning- kalau 1st praktikum perancangan sememangnya ke laut, but then kali ni, i do satisfied with all the planning walaupun ada satu dua yang ke laut. but it is ok, human being kan...mana ada perfect 100%. as long as we try and accept all the mistakes.
4) buat sorang2 memang tak best. buat ramai2 jugak yang best. like i said humans are different in their own ways. some say the moon is brighter than the sun. some say the moon bright because of the sun.
Homosapiens kan~~~ unique on their own ways....
~~stop dulu.
p/s: esemen berlambak tapi tula manusia bila tersepit baru nak beringat.. (skill memberi nasihat ni)...